Are You Getting the Most from Your Workers’ Compensation Claim? Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Ocala
Do you know what your workers’ compensation is really worth? Once a workers’ compensation claim is settled, there is no going back for more, even if you feel you deserve it. No one gets two bites at the apple, so it is important to understand everything you have to gain from a workers’ compensation claim, permanent total disability benefit or supplemental disability benefit. An Ocala Workers’ Compensation Lawyer is your best resource and advocate when it comes to navigating a claim and seeking compensation.
What is Your Workers’ Compensation Really Worth?
Workers’ compensation is a system devised to give injured workers medical and monetary benefits after on-the-job accidents. These benefits can pay no matter what the cause of the accident or injury is. These benefits can cover a wide variety of areas, like indemnity benefits, medical expenses or disability payments to name a few. If the injury is serious enough, as in the case of permanent total disability, a claimant can be entitled to receive payments for an extended amount of time. Workers’ compensation claims can be worth a lot.
What are Indemnity Benefits?
Indemnity benefits are payments of the lost wages a claimant would have been paid while recovering from their injury. If you are not able to return to work entirely, you may be entitled to additional indemnity benefits.
How to Get the Most from Workers’ Compensation
The best way to get the most from your workers’ compensation claim is to get the help of a workers’ compensation lawyer in Ocala. Even if the workplace injury did not occur in Florida, you may still have a Florida Workers’ Compensation case. The most important step is to contact your employer and file a claim immediately. Then, contact an Ocala workers’ compensation lawyer that can help you get the most from your claim. Call the Law Office of JW Chalkley III, PA at (866) 629-7511 or fill out their online contact form.
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